Keeping your Eyes Healthy

1. Eating healthy also keeps your eyes healthy - Easier way to remember is try to eat different colour fruits and vegetables.
2. Stop Smoking - Smoking significantly increases risk of certain eye diseases
3. Wear Prescribed glasses - Many eye and vision problems develop or increase as we get older. Contrary to the myth, wearing glasses and contact lenses doesn’t make your eyesight worse – they help your eyes work more efficiently.
4. Take regular breaks -  When you work on something close up, such as a computer, tablet or smartphone, your eye muscles are active. This may cause tiredness and headaches, even in those with normal sight. Follow the 20/20/20 rule – every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away, for 20 seconds. And don’t forget to blink, as this helps prevent your eyes drying out.
5. Wear sunglasses - As well as making your vision more comfortable in the sun, sunglasses protect your eyes from UV light. Exposure to UV when young does most harm, so protect children with sunglasses, as well as a hat and sunblock.

Eye tests

Every sight test is tailor-made depending on your needs and lifestyle. As well as an Eye health check, a sight test might detect signs of underlying general health conditions, such as diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. 

Everyone should have a sight test at least every two years, or more often if your optometrist recommends it.

Contact lenses

Contact lenses can offer you good vision without the aid of spectacles, particularly helpful if you do any sports or other outdoor activities or even if you just don't like wearing spectacles. 

We offer a wide range of contact lenses which include Daily , two weekly and monthly lenses.

Glaucoma , Cataract and Macular degeneration 

Included as part of your Standard Eye test with us we will check for Glaucoma , Cataracts, Macular degeneration and also several other less common Eye conditions. 

We are accredited with Addenbrookes and West Suffolk hospital for Cataract referrals .

Children's Eye checks 

More than one in 10 children, in every classroom, are estimated to have an undiagnosed vision problem that is impacting their learning and development. 

We recommend an eye test once every year or as recommended by the optometrist 

Driving and Eye checks

With an estimated 2900 road casualties caused by poor vision every year, we’re reminding motorists that a sight test, every two years, can help them stay safe and reduce the number of accidents on UK roads.

OCT eye scan

This is one of our most advanced eye checks wherein we are able to look deep inside the Eye, the different layers of retina which helps us diagnose certain eye conditions in very early stages before they become a problem. Available at a additional fee, Please ask for an OCT test when booking your appointment as this is not covered in your standard eye test.

A cataract happens when the lens inside the eye becomes cloudy usually associated with ageing process ,other less common cataracts can also happen at a younger age due to health reasons , injury or family history.

Glaucoma is the name given to a group of conditions causing damage to the Optic nerve usually because of raised eye pressures but can sometimes also happen with Normal Eye pressures , with damage to Optic nerve there may be a loss of peripheral vision.

Age Related Macular Degeneration ( ARMD)
ARMD is a condition that affects the central part of your vision. It is caused by damage to the macular region of the eye, which is the part of the retina that provides detailed, central vision. It doesn’t normally affect your peripheral (side) vision, so while objects in the centre of your vision may become difficult to see, the vision to the side and edges should not be affected.
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